Corder's Corner

What Makes a Worthy Agent?

Do You Live the Life You Sell?

Last summer, I went shopping for a travel trailer. I remember describing what I was looking for: a small trailer that I could maneuver in the back county easily if need be. The sales representative, of course, got all of my financial details and what seemed like far more information than I’d liked to give out. But they had my credit score, and what I could afford, so we proceeded to the lot. The first camper we looked at was sufficient. However, I wanted to see a couple of different makes and models and compare them. The sales rep immediately started showing me much larger campers, saying I could afford a lot more camper. Yes, but I don’t want a bigger camper. Something small and simple is just fine. It’s like talking to a wall, and it certainly makes you feel like you can’t trust someone who won’t listen to what you want and why. The purchase is important, but we believe the experience trumps all at Corder and Associates. Our agents strive to give you a positive experience that you can look back on with all the good feels.

Real estate is an industry that requires an agent to have excellent communication skills. Sometimes, professionals may forget that part of communicating effectively is listening actively, asking questions, and responding with an understanding. Can anyone become a real estate agent? What does it take to be successful in today’s industry? First, let’s discuss the difference between real estate agents and a REALTOR®. A real estate agent is a licensed professional who can help you buy or sell property. A REALTOR® is an active member of the National Association of Realtors and, therefore, is held to a strict code of ethics. At Corder and Associates, all our agents are REALTORS® and are regarded as professional, ethical, and experts in farm, ranch, hunting, and recreational properties.

Some specific qualities and traits help an agent become successful. For example, we already touched on communication. To go a step further, your agent should listen and prioritize your specific needs. For some buyers, trees are a deal breaker. The property isn’t worth even looking at if there aren’t any trees. For others, trees may be important but not so much as a water source. A good agent pays attention and can help you find what is important to you.

Understanding the local market is key. Not only do our agents monitor the trends and pricing strategies in the local market, but we also provide them with the tools they need to understand other markets should a buyer or seller seek them from across the state.

Buying a large tract of farmland or a Montana ranch naturally comes with many questions and details to sort through. Who transfers the water rights? What happens if I want an inspection? The right REALTOR® is readily available and keeps you involved and updated on each step of the process. Taking calls, answering questions, responding promptly to voicemails, and returning emails are all excellent ways a good REALTOR® demonstrates their competency.

Eighty-six percent of sellers say trust is the top quality when considering who to work with in real estate. You should trust that your agent has your best interests in mind and shows integrity. Such traits lead to being able to negotiate on your behalf effectively. Your agent should know when to push for something important to you and when to concede.

Real estate will keep professionals on their toes. Each deal is different and can bring a variety of issues that need creative problem-solving. As experienced agents know, it isn’t if a problem arises; it’s when. A good agent is prepared and can respond quickly.

Another aspect sellers list as significant when choosing an agent is how they will market your home and if they utilize technology effectively. Marketing is how properties get to buyers, and a good agent is actively marketing and utilizing digital capabilities such as social media. Corder and Associates understands the importance of a marketing platform that covers all these areas: print, publications, articles, social media, magazines, virtually, drone tours, and professional photography. It drives me bonkers when a listing with two photos and hardly any information comes on the market. Did the agent even spend any time truly highlighting your property? Is this the best marketing to get your property sold?

Lastly, can your agent effectively read the room and empathize with you? Selling can be emotional. It can make a significant impact to feel like you’re working with something that can relate to what you’re going through. A good agent listens and tells you that some deals don’t work out, but things change quickly, so you’re prepared.

Do you possess some or all of these qualities? Do you want to be on a supportive team that helps teach you how to be a successful and trustworthy agent? Join our team! Visit with us about the ins and outs and then decide.

Maybe you’re on the other side and are looking for an agent who qualifies and possesses these traits. The agents at Corder and Associates live the life they sell and, therefore, are experts in buying and selling farm, ranch, waterfront, and recreational property. Check out our team and give us a call!

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