Corder's Corner

The Value of Industry Trade Shows

Hard work, efficiency, communication, good decision making — there are many reasons as to why you are succeeding in your career field. For many individuals, success is largely in part due to a strong networking channel that has been created over time. It is all in who you know these days right?

This rural setting does not really provide many networking opportunities for farmers, ranchers, investors, real estate agents, and such. However, this is the season of trade shows! There is no better way to connect with commercial real estate decision-makers and increase your professional network than by attending industry events.

In addition to hosting an annual fall conference, Corder and Associates sponsors and participates in trade shows nationwide throughout the year, because we realize the significance of networking.

Industry trade shows allow you to meet new people in your career field. As I was wandering about in downtown Reno last week for the SCI (Safari Club International) trade show, I was surrounded by individuals in the farm/ranch industry, recreational enthusiasts, and real estate agents and brokers. Not only are these people stopping by the booth that Corder and Associates had set up, but they were in and around the hotels, the elevators, coffee shops, restaurants, and bars.

During the winter, it can be hard to get the gumption to get out and about, but I certainly encourage you to take advantage of the trade shows that are offered locally, and if you need a reason for a road trip, out of town too! Attending these trade shows is the easiest way to meet those with similar passions, and it provides an avenue to exchange ideas.

Some of the best relationships are built through shared experience. These days, most correspondence is done over the phone or online via email. However, there is no replacement for face to face interaction or having that opportunity to stand out giving you a chance for partnerships.

The popular conception about the real estate market currently is that it is healthy. Job growth is up; unemployment is down, and the real estate market is thriving, for now. An undercurrent of concern, however, may be keeping consumer confidence low, and that is related to fears that another recession is imminent. Is that apprehension warranted?

The scope of our industry doesn’t always fully sink in as we read about it on the internet or in textbooks. Even though I get to “talk ag” every day, I still often lose sight of just how many vast opportunities exist in the agricultural industry. Trade shows are a great opportunity to hear from industry leaders and experts offering valuable business planning strategies and new ways to help stay ahead of competitors.

These events also provide real estate agents with an opportunity to engage with other agents and build relationships that can be mutually beneficial. Workshops and lectures help educate and inspire real estate agents to review and understand what is working, identify areas for improvement in their business, and discuss new ideas to help them stand out in the industry.

As I contemplate the numerous experiences I have had at trade shows throughout the year, I am more convinced than ever that it is essential to include at least one event like this on your calendar every year. Especially if being a leader in your industry is on your radar. Being around other industry leaders has a way of getting both the competitive and the creative juices flowing.

We just wrapped up at the MAGIE, the trade show in Great Falls and the SCI in Reno. Over the next few months, we will be traveling all over the state to network with you and other businesses at the MATE, GATE, and MABA.

The MATE is in Billings in February and draws visitors from a 500-mile radius. At these trade shows, you can expect to see the latest models of tractors and equipment. Seed specialists will have their new varieties on hand. Livestock nutritionists will be ready and willing to answer questions and give you ideas. Coming to the trade shows give you a chance to check out the innovation, test out products, and collaborate with those in the same industry to take ideas back to the farm or ranch.

I am curious to hear from you: what are some of your favorite ag trade shows and events? Email me at Tr*****@co********.com so we can discuss. Perhaps next year I will have a booth there! If you are at any of the upcoming trade shows, stop by our booth and say hello!

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