Corder's Corner

More Than Just A Kill

Few things exist that can instill a sense of complete exhilaration and thrill like eagerly peering into a scope lining up crosshairs and trying to calmly exhale while squeezing the trigger. All morning, you’ve hid in the shadows waiting…There’s absolutely no one around, just the sun embracing your shoulders, the birds singing from the trees, and the gentle breeze whispering through the forest. All year hunters anticipate the season when they get to adventure hillsides decked out in their camouflage and orange. Yes, there’s nothing quite like it, except for one thing and that is sharing it with the little people you care the most about, your children. Watching your loved ones enjoy and partake in the tradition of hunting all while imparting your tidbits of wisdom etches permanent memories. It isn’t necessarily about the kill but about teaching your kids respect for wildlife and the forest and fields in which you walk. The outdoor experience can cleanse your soul and make you a better person.

The hunting season is upon us as the crisp mornings remind us that fall is near. Antelope 900- series archery season opened on August 15 th and runs through November 14 th . Most other archery opens on September 4 th including bighorn sheep, black bear, deer, elk, mountain lion, and wolf, all with respective purchased tags. Rifle season follows in October or November. Montana offers millions of acres of public lands, but it is not always as peaceful as one would like. Having your own piece of recreational paradise might be something to add to your list of aspirations. On the flip side, you may have land that seems to have lost its value to you but would make an excellent hunting escape for someone else. If your property has bighorn sheep, mountain goats, bear, or elk roaming on it, the value increases significantly. Subsequently, forested mountain acreage or rolling grasslands that support white-tailed or mule deer, antelope, and upland game birds are highly sought after for recreational purposes, especially if the property borders any Forest Service, BLM, or public state land.

Purchasing recreational hunting land to trek to for adventuring, hiking, camping, fishing, or hunting can yield years of memorable experiences shared with your kids. Unlocking these possibilities by purchasing land also gives you something that doesn’t depreciate like driving a shiny new vehicle off a car lot. You can make improvements to the land, build your basecamp cabin, or just take delight in owning a coveted piece of Montana. The vast space and rich soil compensate you well after a sale. Montana is rich with natural resources, and compared to other states, have extremely reasonable property taxes.

Ensure that you have a special place to share with your children or grandchildren by becoming a Montana landowner. The team at Corder and Associates shares in admiration for Montana’s gorgeous landscapes and truly lives the life in which we hope to pass on to landowners interested in preserving the great escape for future generations to come.

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